News Story
Student Profile

Raunak Advani

Raunak stands next to a stone pillar wearing a white button-down shirt, striped tie, and blue Georgetown graduation stole.

As an accelerated student, why did you choose the DSAN program? 

I first discovered the DSAN program while I was completing the junior year of my undergraduate studies at Georgetown. Choosing the program was a no-brainer for me: firstly, as a Georgetown undergraduate with an Economics and Statistics background, I could complete my degree in one, rather than two extra years through the accelerated program. Secondly, I wanted to hone the technical skills I’d started to develop during my undergrad degree. Lastly, I’d be allowing myself to dive deep into a field that’s super relevant in the ever-changing, digitally-driven world we live in today. This would also give me more career avenues to explore down the line.

What is your favorite class in the DSAN program?

Network Analytics with Professor Hickman, without a doubt. In addition to being the first class I took as a full-time DSAN student, it was also the one that initially got me to think about how I could apply data science to ‘non-conventional’ areas after having developed my fundamentals. Even today, I use several practices I picked up during the course in my day-to-day work, leaving a lasting impact on me.

Any advice you’d give prospective students?

A piece of advice I’d give prospective students (and something that I constantly tell myself) is to stay relentlessly curious and take advantage of everything Georgetown has to offer. We’re tremendously lucky to be backed by qualified professors, a strong alumni network, and many academic and professional opportunities. 

I’ve always viewed Georgetown as a place for self-discovery and for me to push myself beyond my limits. So, my second piece of advice would be to never be afraid to take that risk or step out of your comfort zone. Two years can fly by, so make every day count!  

Two men in squash uniforms holding a trophy

What would people be surprised to learn about you? 

People would be surprised to learn that I’m a competitive squash player, and grew up playing at the national level in India. I moved to the US to play for a boarding school in Connecticut at the age of 15 and ultimately ended up at Georgetown where I was the team captain. Some of my fondest memories at Georgetown have been created with my squash team – whether it be through bonding on away trips or struggling together during practices. The connections, skills, and experiences I’ve gained over the years have been invaluable, and also a reason why the sport has always played a huge role in my life and continues to do so today!