Student Advising

The Data Science and Analytics (DSAN) program provides students with an administrative team to assist them in navigating their journey through the program.

Please consult with the appropriate person on advising topics per the chart below.

Dr. Purna Gamage – Program DirectorHeather Connor – Director of Student ServicesAshley Stowe – Outreach and Engagement Manager
Course AdvisingRegistration IssuesProgram Sponsored Events
Academic DifficultiesBillingStudent Life
Grades/GPAFinancial Aid/ScholarshipsProfessional Development Center
Internships/EmploymentGraduationAlumni Mentorship Program
Career PathLeave of Absence PetitionsDSAN Social Committee
Applying to PhD ProgramsTransfer Credit Petitions
Teaching Assistantships
Research Assistantships
International Student Support
Academic Integrity
Mentorship Program
Professional Development Center