DSAN Travel Grant

The Data Science & Analytics (DSAN) Program is pleased to offer a travel grant to help offset students’ travel costs to conferences, hackathons, or other academic events.

These grants will be provided in the form of student reimbursement, and may be requested in advance or retroactive one semester.

Award amount: Up to $350 for students presenting at conferences; up to $250 for students attending (but not presenting at) conferences, hackathons, and other academic events.

Number of awards available: 7-10 per academic year


Required Application Materials

Allowable Expenses*

*All submitted expenses must be accompanied by an itemized receipt.


The completed application, including student statement and projected (or incurred) budget, must be submitted electronically by March 15.

Review and Award

Completed applications received by March 15 will be reviewed by the DSAN Travel Grant Committee. Successful applicants will be notified by April 15 or earlier.

Decisions will be e-mailed to each applicant’s Georgetown e-mail address. Itemized receipts will be requested at the time of notification. Applicants should save all receipts in the event that they are selected for an award.

Awards will be processed through Accounts Payable and paid directly to recipients in accordance with University policies.