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MS Analytics Students Win Third Place in Adobe Analytics Challenge

MS Analytics Students Win Third Place in Adobe Analytics Challenge

Three first-year MS Analytics students have won third place in the 2018 Adobe Analytics Challenge . Shengye Hang, Ju Huang, and Tianyi Yang, also known as Team “Don’t Stop Bayesian,” were one of six teams that participated in the competition at the Adobe Utah campus on November 2, 2018. They competed against teams from University of Massachusetts, Brigham Young University, University of Texas – Austin, University of California – Davis, and University of Utah. This nation-wide challenge is an analytics-focused business case competition for university students. Participants are given access to real-world data from leading organizations.

Team members Shengye, Ju, and Tianyi said that the most challenging part had been extracting useful information from the data given and telling a story from it, remarking that “the data include visits and clicks of some websites. Hence, to summarize the visitors’ behaviors and find something that needs improvement are the key parts.” They said that the team’s joint efforts allowed them to extract the right stories from the complicated data.

Congratulations, Team “Don’t Stop Bayesian”!
